Grow Taller 4 Idiots

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Growing Taller Exercises - Sweating your way up the height ladder

One of the target areas to work on to grow taller quickly is the shins. the shins are potential areas for growth and the best way to do this is through growing taller exercises. These aren't just any exercises that you can perform, these are exercises that are designed to lengthen and strengthen your shin and increase your height but they have to be followed in the correct manner.

How do they work?
The science behind leg lengthening is that when you exercise the shins what you are doing is putting pressure on the shin bone and creating micro-fractures. When you rest the body works on repairing these fractures and to prevent it from happening again the body makes the bone stronger (and LONGER)! So make sure that you have enough rest and create a good enough diet to help your body create enough HGH to repair your bones!

  • Jumping
The method for jumping isn't just jumping on one spot but instead it is jumping from a flat object (the ground) to something higher (normally a step or a box). You may find this difficult to maintain for long periods of time but as time progresses you will start to increase your stamina.
  • Sprinting
Sprinting is another great exercise to help you grow taller. The process of sprinting for height consists of sprinting for 60 yards at a high intensity (try not to jog!) and then resting and then doing this for 5-10 times. DO NOT overdo sprinting as it can lead to injury so make sure you rest 3 times a week!
  • Cycling
One of the growing taller exercises people tend to enjoy more is cycling. Cycling is an enjoyable hobby and sport and a great way to keep fit. To tailor cycling for height all you need to do is raise the seat by about four inches before you set off. A stationary bike is preferred but if you have a free-moving bike that will work as well.

These exercises are great for growing taller steadily however to really see the results you will need to use a height increase program that you can follow daily. Check out GrowingTallerForIdiots for a step-by-step idiot proof way to grow taller naturally ("The Height Stuff") and is GUARANTEED to have you up to 6 inches taller! Start today and see results in as little as 3 days!