Grow Taller 4 Idiots

Wednesday 18 December 2013

How to Grow Tall - Simple Tips to Boost Your Growth

How To Grow Taller Quickly - Something everyone (who feels short) will ponder on a daily basis. Many people think that there is some sort of miracle cure to growing 5 inches, unfortunately there isn't. However, there are good methods that are out there that can help you grow at least 2 inches. There are many things that need to be considered when growing like nutrition and also a healthy diet and lifestyle. 

However, did you know that sleep is also a vital role in your growing? Read on for more information.

Sleeping is actually proven to help you grow taller and if you think about it when are you most likely to grow when your body is being active or when it is resting?

Some of you may be on a fitness program to build muscle and you should know that it is only in the evening does the body heal tissue and grow and that is no different to how to grow taller.

Most of you will be thinking "I sleep, why aren't I growing then?" Let me break down how sleeping should work for you:
  • It should be in a comfy bed
  • It should be 9-10 hours long (try to avoid napping and broken sleep)
  • When you sleep, sleep on your back to allow your spine to straighten and lengthen
I guarantee that many of you reading this article aren't doing one of those when you sleep.

If you think about sleep has always been the answer to how to grow taller quickly. Don't you remember your parents telling you to go to bed so you can grow big and strong? I bet you just ignored them and watched TV until you were forced too didn't you (you should always listen to your parents, they know better).

Sunday 15 December 2013

Height Increasing Tips - Using Fashion to Look Taller

If you are someone who is currently looking for or using something that will make you grow taller quickly (like height increasing tips, supplements, etc...) then you know it takes time (looking for the solution and then the time for growth to take place). Obviously during this period there are those of us who want to look taller immediately but you have to understand growing takes time. However, you can fool people in thinking you are taller with how you dress. This is a great method to give you a height boost while you are on your way up the growth ladder.

Many people believe that you can't dress to look tall but you can, if you can dress up to look muscular then obviously you can dress up to look taller.

The number one factor you have to focus on is your shoes. Your shoes will be the main source of your height boost. Shoes that make you taller are:
  • High heels (for women)
  • Boots (men and women)
  • Tennis trainers (men and women all ages)
Shoes help aiding in the illusion of how to become tall because they make your feet look bigger.
For clothing you need to try and focus on one colour set clothes (I know it may seem horrible but remember it is only temporarily) because wearing two toned clothing such as black jeans (or trousers and a white t-shirt (or shirt) create a line across your waist where the two colours meet which makes you look shorter. If you are wearing a suit and have a different coloured shirt then try buttoning up your jacket.

Wednesday 11 December 2013

Height Increasing Tips - Stretches to Grow Taller

Using stretches to grow taller mainly revolves around your spine. There are many different stretches out there that people claim work but really don't. There are only a handful of stretches out there that really work and even ewer that give good results. In this article I will reveal the two top stretches that will help you lengthen your spine hence grow taller.

The first stretching exercise that I recommend doing is the cobra. This is a very common yoga stretch and it is very easy to pull off. What you need to do is lie down on the floor (chest down) with your palms on the floor under your shoulders. The next step is to arch your back lifting up your top body but you need to make sure that everything waist down stays still. Hold this position for a few seconds and then release.

The second stretch to grow taller is hanging. Again this is another very simple stretching exercise. First find somewhere to hang from (this should preferably be a long bar). The next step is to grab your object and just hang from your hands. This should be held for a few seconds too. It may seem that this is a pointless exercise but the concept of this is to lengthen and straighten your spine out making you taller.

If you exercise daily then it would be a good idea to include these stretches to grow taller in your warm up schedule so you can get a double benefit. For those of you that don't have a workout schedule I advise you get one so you can lose that extra weight (the thinner you get the taller you look).

Sunday 8 December 2013

How to Naturally Grow Taller - Understanding How We Grow

Many people don't like using supplements instead they ask how to naturally grow taller quickly. In my opinion if you understand something you can fix it, change it, do what you want with it. For example when I feel sick and am displaying weird symptoms the first place I go is the internet. I Google the symptoms, see what I have and research what I can do to get better. Simple! I feel that if people understand how they grow maybe they can discover a way of boosting their growth. Read on for more information on how we grow.

When you were a baby you actually had more bones than you do now (I bet you expected to have more bones now right?). When we were little many of our bones consisted of a substance that is known as cartilage and as we grow older that cartilage manages to go on to fuse and transform into solid bone. This process still happens throughout our lives as it lengthens and stretches out our bones.

Putting pressure on your bones (especially your spine) can slow down the process of transformation. This is why many people seem to stop growing. To resolve this you need to make sure that you sleep.
Yes that's right, sleep is my big tip! Not the 6-7 hours you normally get but you need to have 8-10 hours of sleep which is the recommended time that allows your spine to recover from the pressure, straighten out and lengthen making you taller.

With the right amount of sleep, nutrition and a healthy lifestyle you will be able to grow taller quickly naturally and easily.

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Improve Your Posture - The Secret to Growing Up to 6 Inches!

How to improve your posture is something that many people forget when they are thinking about to grow taller quickly. Creating a better posture can help you grow up to 6 inches in height! Many people waste money on height supplements, miracle creams and machines but chances are they won't work, whereas improving your posture will.

A hot debate right now on growing taller is "Can you grow taller if you have stopped growing?" The answer to this is very simple...once you have stopped growing there is no way of growing again. This is because growth plate fusion occurs which means no more growing. This occurs in the early 20's and people who are short will buy anything to make them taller just to find out that nothing works.

So why would you want to improve your posture if you've stopped growing? Easy, you can still grow taller. I know I just said once you stop growing you stop full stop but what I want you to do is stand up as you would stand up straight, see how you got taller a bit? That is nothing compared to what you can do when you lengthen your spine.

Your spine accounts for 35% of your current height and if you straighten out and lengthen your spine you can end up growing up to 6 inches in height.

There are many ways to create a better posture; through sleep, growing taller exercises and by simple stretches you can do every day at home.