Grow Taller 4 Idiots

Friday 24 September 2010

The End Of The Road...

After a few weeks I finally grew 3 inches and to be honest I was happy with this height. I was taller than a few of my friends now as well. No more would I have to google "How do I get taller" and waste money on machines, pills and supplements all I needed was a simple book - GrowingTallerForIdiots. My holy grail for growing. It included...

The best part is this is only scratching the surface of the book! There is a boat load of methods that ARE GUARANTEED to help you grow 2-4 inches taller!

GrowingTallerForIdiots - Your ladder to happiness

I Want To Grow Taller - How Sleep Can Help You Grow Taller

Sleep believe it or not is the doorway to any type of growth. If you pick up any body building mag you will see in the tips sections there will always be something about getting enough sleep. You know why? Because sleep is the key to stop saying "I want to grow taller"

Sleep can increase the levels of HGH released into the body so you want to be looking at around 8-10 hours a sleep per night (no catnaps). Just because you sleep doesn't mean you will grow taller though, many of you may already be sleeping for 8-10 hours but a major thing that is never considered is how you sleep.

I used to sleep awkwardly, it was really comfy but I woke up in quite a bit of pain. With GrowingTallerForIdiots I learnt that sleeping posture is also a major factor with growing taller! Yes how you sleep effects your height too. Here are two ways that will give you good posture for when you sleep...

- Lying on side with knees bent and having a pillow inbetween knees for support
By lying down on your side you counteract a sway back and yu relieve back pain. If you'r wondering what the pillow inbetween the legs is for, it is so that you don't twist your spine damaging your posture.

- Lying on back with knees bent with pillow under knees for support
If you sleep on your back there are numerous placs you can place a pillow; undr the hips, undr your neck, under your legs and also the arch in your lower back.

There are also many other things you can do to your bed and pillow to help you grow taller. This is by far one of the most important factors seeing as you spend a third of your life in bed. So stop saying " want to grow taller" and actually do something about it!

Stretches To Grow Taller...Your Having A Laugh Right?

Nope! In all seriousness you can actually use stretches to grow taller and they do actually work!

As I looked through GrowingTallerForIdiots I came across these stretches that would help me straighten out my spine (yes this ties in with improving your posture) and help me grow taller!

These stretches plus some other methods helped me grow the 2 extra inches!

Here are what I consider to be 2 of the best stretches to grow taller.

The Cat

The cat is a very basic and effective move. You may have seen cats do this in the morning if you own one.

Step 1 - Go down on your hands (beneath your shoulders) and your knees
Step 2 - Inhale pushing your head up and your buttocks up
Step 3 - Exhale pulling your head and buttocks inwards towards your core arching your back into a "C"
The Cobra
Another basic stretch to grow taller.

Step 1 - Lie on the floor with your upper body supported up by your palms (underneath your shoulders)
Step 2 - As you inhale push your chest out and go as far back as your can. Once you have reached your furthest hold for 2 minutes
Step 3 - Exhale and bring yourself back down slowly

As you can tell these stretches to grow taller are great for the spine and by doing them every morning you are helping to improve your posture

Improve Your Posture and Reach For Those Extra Inches Of Height

It was around this time that I started to give up on growing taller and it was around this time I found GrowingTallerForIdiots (thank God!), now this book isn't just a few methods to help you grow taller, this is like the holy grail of grow taller methods before and after puberty!

One of the methods that I picked was called improve you posture and it was the reason behind my 2 extra inches of growth!

Your posture accounts for 35% of your height and you go through everyday ruining that posture and through your lifetime you will have damaged your posture. By learning to improve you posture you can grow...up to 6 inches! That's right 6 inches! That's how bad your posture can be!

Things like sitting awkwardly (it may be comfy but its not good for you), carrying a heavy load and even sleeping in a bad position can cause a bad posture.

There are however methods to improve you posture and just imagine how tall they can make you!

How To Grow During Puberty - Going For The Home Run

When I got into high school I figured one of the best things to do was to get involved with sports. There wasn't much of a selection at mine but one that I did find great was basketball. Yes I was a little shorter than the other guys but I had a killer 3-pointer shot on me but I had no idea this would help me with how to grow during puberty

About 2 months into the team I started to notice some changes in my height (1 inch). This was surprising to me so I did a little research into this and this is what I came up with...

When you run for period of time you put stress on your bones which causes micro fractures in your shins. These fractures heal and come back stronger and bigger! If you do a sport like basketball which includes jumping and landing this causes even more stress making your bones even longer!!!

There are other methods you can use to grow taller during puberty but basketball is one of the best ones to use as it includes jumping and landing too.

This is a great method on how to grow during puberty as it boosts your human growth hormone (HGH) giving you the extra height you need.

P.S After you've been on a run it is essential that you stretch out your legs right away and never run every day. 3-5 times a week is enough.

How To Increase My Height - The Story Behind My Pain and Frustration

During the early years of secondary school my height really wasn't a problem but as we soon got nearer to the end I started to get a bit worried. Nearly everyone had gone through tier growth spurts leaving me shorter than them and even when I hot my growth spurt (late bloomer) I still found myself to be shorter than my friends.

I went through the next year using some smart tips on how to increase my height through fashion changes and I did mange to add a bit of height but I didn't feel the part. I had to find a way to actually grow taller!

So I got a part time job and brought anything and everything that looked like it would make me grow taller. None of them worked...I had spent a load of money and also time on these products and they didn't work and before I knew it I was on the verge to giving up after 10 months of searching until I found something special.

GrowingTallerForIdiots. I wasn't sure on whether to buy it or not but since it had a money back guarantee I thought why I slugged through the book using just a few of the many methods and to my surprise I started noticing change....3 inches of change! That's right, I had grown 3 inches with the help of this book!

I can finally get the respect I deserve and throw away those height insoles for my shoes as I can now see eye-to-eye with most of my friends now. Life is a lot more better than me now that I don't have to Google how to increase my height