Grow Taller 4 Idiots

Sunday, 18 September 2011

Stunted Growth - Weight Training Myth

You may have heard that if you want to grow taller you should avoid weight training since it can hinder your growth. WRONG!

Weight training can in fact help you grow taller, when you lift weights the bone actually rebuilds and become stronger than it was before! This helps increase bone development and also prevent osteoporosis.

With weight training if you are young and lift too heavy of a weight you are only going to injure yourself so make sure that you lift weights that are up to your standards and increase it as you start to get stronger.

Of course with weight training you have to have a diet so make sure you tailor it to not only your body building needs but also to your growing taller needs too!


When you work out you need a good warm up and cool down and what better way than to throw in stretches to grow taller?! This way you can strengthen your bones and stretch them at the same time too!