Grow Taller 4 Idiots

Sunday, 23 October 2011

The Maths Behind Growing Taller...

I thought this would be an interesting thing for you to read.....

The spinal exercises can be performed by anyone young or old as it never fuses together, 33% of your height comes from your spine which consists of 33 separate bone segments known as vertebrae held together by ligaments (tough and fibrous tissue). Out of these 33 vertebrae, only the lowest 9 are fused into two immovable bones, the sacrum and the coccyx, forming the back of the pelvis. All the other 24 vertebrae are permanently movable and thus will never be fused. These 24 vertebrae are the 7 cervical (neck), 12 thoracic (back of chest), and 5 lumbar (loin).
Located between each of these 24 vertebrae are cartilaginous pads called disks . The thickness of the disks determines the length of the spinal column and directly influences the height. There are totally 25 disks, their combined length accounts 25% of your total height. Since these disks are non-fusible cartilages, they can constantly grow thicker under the stimulation of growth hormone during a life time which explains why elderly people start to shrink due to Osteoporosis. The thicker those disks are, the longer your spinal column is and the talleryou become. Even if each disk grows only 0.25 cm (0.1 inch) thicker, which is the length of this line in quotes “_”, you will grow taller by 0.25 * 25 = 6.25 cm (2.5 inches).

Sunday, 18 September 2011

Stunted Growth - Weight Training Myth

You may have heard that if you want to grow taller you should avoid weight training since it can hinder your growth. WRONG!

Weight training can in fact help you grow taller, when you lift weights the bone actually rebuilds and become stronger than it was before! This helps increase bone development and also prevent osteoporosis.

With weight training if you are young and lift too heavy of a weight you are only going to injure yourself so make sure that you lift weights that are up to your standards and increase it as you start to get stronger.

Of course with weight training you have to have a diet so make sure you tailor it to not only your body building needs but also to your growing taller needs too!


When you work out you need a good warm up and cool down and what better way than to throw in stretches to grow taller?! This way you can strengthen your bones and stretch them at the same time too!

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Stretches To Grow Taller - 3 Simple Exercises To Do When You Wake

Stretches to grow taller are one of the best ways you can go about and increase your height. Not only are they simple but they can add a few extra inches to your height.

How They Work

As your body goes through puberty bones can grow and stretch and lengthen however after this has taken place it is "impossible to grow further".

The stretches are aimed at places that you can still lengthen though such as the shins, thighs and also the spine. This backdoor method can give you up to 3 inches of extra height!

To get you started you can go through some simple stretches just in the morning....

  • Stretch-Out
A simple exercise. When you wake up bring your hand up above your head and extend yourself stretching every part of your body. Hold this for 15 seconds and then release (repeat for a minute).

  • Pedaling
The next one you need to bring your feet up towards the ceiling and support your hips with your hands. Without moving your torso pretend to ride a bike.

  • Knee-Ins
Final one of the stretches to grow taller is knee-ins. Lie on the bed flat and bring one of your knees towards your stomach. Hold it with your arms and bring it in closer if possible. Hold this for 20 seconds and then switch leg. Repeat for 2 minutes

By doing these every morning and before youg o to bed you will soon start to notice some growth!

Just the stretches alone won't help you reach your potential height, you need to follow a height increase program which uses proven methods to help you grow taller. Check out GrowingTallerForIdiots for a step-by-step idiot proof way to grow taller naturally ("The Height Stuff") and is GUARANTEED to have you up to 6 inches taller! Start today and see results in as little as 3 days! 

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Growing Taller Exercises – Increase Your Height During The Summer

What do growing taller exercises have to do with the summer? Well summer is just around the corner and you want to look good for it right so you’re going to be going to the gym to give yourself that amazing beach body! Why don’t you kill two birds with one stone and add some growing taller exercises into your gym routine to help you not only look good for summer but make you taller!

It is very simple to add in these exercises into your routine, for example when you are warming up and cooling down with stretches you can perform stretches to grow taller which will help lengthen and straighten your spine for those extra few inches. Just doing simple changes like this will help you add those few much needed inches of height!

Check out some growing taller exercises and start adding them into your gym routine to make you feel good and look tall.

If you really see the results you will need to use a height increase program that you can follow daily. Check out GrowingTallerForIdiots for a step-by-step idiot proof way that will take you hand-in-hand to grow taller naturally ("The Height Stuff") and is GUARANTEED to have you up to 6 inches taller! Start today and see results in as little as 3 days!

Saturday, 11 June 2011

Quick fixes to improve your posture....

One of the top ways to get taller is to improve you posture. For those of you that don't know your posture (spine) accounts for a HUGE 35% of your height and you want to get every extra inch possible out of that by straightening out your spine and posture.

Improving your posture will take time as you are in a habit of putting it in a bad position but you can make small and quick fixes to help you stick to it...

  1. Before falling asleep lie flat on your back with your legs straight and avoid curling up into your favourite position 
  2. When you are sitting down sit with a straight back. If you are sitting for extended period of time simply put a pillow on the back support to make it more comfortable
  3. When walking avoid carrying items in your bag that you don't need to reduce the weight
  4. Keep your shoulders back when walking to keep your posture straight
  5. If you can use machinery to pick up heavy objects at work or if you have to make sure you learn the proper technique
These quick fixes will help you improve your posture which will help you gain those few inches of extra height. 

Remember to check out GrowingTallerForIdiots for an in-depth guide that takes you by the hand with exactly what to do to grow taller. A proven system with quick results!

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Stretches To Grow Taller - Yoga

A great way to grow taller quickly is by using stretches to grow taller. However, if you really want to lengthen and straighten your spine properly then something you should consider taking is yoga.

What is yoga?

Many of you would have heard of yoga classes being advertised at your local gym. Normally yoga is a class that is mostly taken by women since it is all about meditation and stretching. This is wrong! Yoga is for everyone regardless of gender and age and is very good if you are looking to grow taller.

Why yoga?

Yoga is a group of stretching exercises which are put together not only to keep you in shape but to also relax your body. The stretches that are put in yoga are similar to the stretches to grow taller that you may encounter so why not follow a yoga class where everything is already laid out for you instead of searching for exercises that may or may not work!

If you really see the results you will need to use a height increase program that you can follow daily. Check out GrowingTallerForIdiots for a step-by-step idiot proof way that will take you hand-in-hand to grow taller naturally ("The Height Stuff") and is GUARANTEED to have you up to 6 inches taller! Start today and see results in as little as 3 days!

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Growing Taller Exercises - Sweating your way up the height ladder

One of the target areas to work on to grow taller quickly is the shins. the shins are potential areas for growth and the best way to do this is through growing taller exercises. These aren't just any exercises that you can perform, these are exercises that are designed to lengthen and strengthen your shin and increase your height but they have to be followed in the correct manner.

How do they work?
The science behind leg lengthening is that when you exercise the shins what you are doing is putting pressure on the shin bone and creating micro-fractures. When you rest the body works on repairing these fractures and to prevent it from happening again the body makes the bone stronger (and LONGER)! So make sure that you have enough rest and create a good enough diet to help your body create enough HGH to repair your bones!

  • Jumping
The method for jumping isn't just jumping on one spot but instead it is jumping from a flat object (the ground) to something higher (normally a step or a box). You may find this difficult to maintain for long periods of time but as time progresses you will start to increase your stamina.
  • Sprinting
Sprinting is another great exercise to help you grow taller. The process of sprinting for height consists of sprinting for 60 yards at a high intensity (try not to jog!) and then resting and then doing this for 5-10 times. DO NOT overdo sprinting as it can lead to injury so make sure you rest 3 times a week!
  • Cycling
One of the growing taller exercises people tend to enjoy more is cycling. Cycling is an enjoyable hobby and sport and a great way to keep fit. To tailor cycling for height all you need to do is raise the seat by about four inches before you set off. A stationary bike is preferred but if you have a free-moving bike that will work as well.

These exercises are great for growing taller steadily however to really see the results you will need to use a height increase program that you can follow daily. Check out GrowingTallerForIdiots for a step-by-step idiot proof way to grow taller naturally ("The Height Stuff") and is GUARANTEED to have you up to 6 inches taller! Start today and see results in as little as 3 days!

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Grow Taller Quickly - Cooking your way taller

Nutrition is an important and vital part that you should focus on when it comes to growing taller. You will need the nutrition to not only to fuel your body with all the exercises you are going to go through but also to provide the correct nutrients to make the growing process of your bones and cartilage more efficient.

If you want to grow taller quickly then what you want to concentrate on are foods that are going to help you grow such as...

  • Calcium
Calcium is what makes your bones stronger which will help enhance them for growth. Foods that you want to focus on are milk, yoghurt, cheese (hard, ricotta, cottage), orange juice etc. 

  • Protein
Protein is the most important nutrient that you want to include in your diet. Protein has amino acids which all have different properties but they are all important. Sources of protein you want to go for are fish, red meats, chicken, eggs, nuts etc.

A diet you may want to look into is high protein and low carbs which is what bodybuilders use to maximize the growth of their muscles and with the correct exercises you can utilize this growth to your bones to help you grow taller quickly.

Snacks to check out

·  Hard boiled eggs
·         Deviled eggs
·         Dill pickles and cheddar cheese (no kidding, it’s a great combo)
·         1/4 cup berries with 1/3 cup cottage cheese
·         Nuts (keep raw ones in the freezer if you think you’ll overeat them)
·         Sunflower seeds (get them in the shell so it will take longer to eat them)
·         Other seeds
·         Low-Carb Trail Mix
·         Jerky (beef or turkey -- try to find low-sugar varieties)
·         Low-carb shakes
·         Cheese sticks, such as string cheese
·         Sugar-free Jello, alone or with cottage cheese and a sprinkling of nuts

Monday, 3 January 2011

Stretches To Grow Taller - The Bridge

The bridge is another one of the stretches to grow taller that you want to incorporate into your daily routine.

The Brigde
Step 1 - Lie on your back with your knees bent
Step 2 - Hold your ankles with your hands
Step 3 - Push your hips and body upwards without letting go of your ankles (as shown above)
Step 4 - Hold this position for up to 2 minutes and then release

Other variations of this exercises includes having your hands by your head as shown below.