Grow Taller 4 Idiots

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Grow Taller After Puberty - Is Grow Taller Surgery Something To Consider

Growing taller is a natural process of life and everyone hopes to grow taller quickly but like all things it must stop sometime. Normally growth is considered to stop after puberty which varies from person-to-person at around the 18-25 mark. There is a widespread rumour that you cannot grow tall after puberty, that after you have reached this point you can't grow any taller which is technically right which is why many people consider using surgery to make themselves taller. However is getting the surgery something that you really should consider?

What does the surgery involve?
The surgery is pretty gruesome and more so painful. What it involves is breaking the tibia and fibula (the lower bones of the legs) and a device is placed onto both ends of the broken bones piercing through the skin.

How does it work?
The surgeon will lengthen the device slowly pulling apart the broken bones and thus allowing a newly formed bone to grow in the gap being made.

Is it really worth it?
If you haven't thrown up yet then this might be something for you but just so you should now after the bones have been lengthened you under-go 3 to 6 months of strengthening where you will be in a wheel chair and go through physical therapy which has been called "extremely painful".

Still want to go ahead with it?
If you think you can handle the pain then a setback you will want to consider is the potential dangers. With this surgery you may get an infection where the device was connected, you can get a nerve injury and sometimes you may find your bones are weaker and in a worst case scenario could break which is why you need to avoid this method even if you want to grow taller quickly.

Sunday, 27 October 2013

I Want To Grow Taller - Are You Stuck Being Short?

There are many people in the world who are unhappy with their height and many of these think they are stuck with their height. This is far from right! There are quite a few ways that can actually be used to help stop searching "I want to grow taller quickly" and help you grow taller even if it feels like you have stopped.

How We Grow
FACT: Infants have more bones than adults do. Weird huh? Well this is because most of their skeleton consists of cartilage and as they grow the cartilage forms new bones by fusing and hardening.

Growth and Puberty
The main period where the fusion takes place is during puberty. Our cartilage plates play a huge part in growing especially with our growth spurts. Throughout puberty our bones adapt by growing stronger and longer but once we reach adulthood there is nothing that can make your bones longer so don't be fooled by all those scams on the internet that say they can, they will just end up wasting your time and more importantly your money!

A lot of people end up considering surgery as a resort to grow taller quickly but this should be avoided at all cases. Why? The method of leg lengthening surgery is very painful and risky as it involves breaking your bones and allowing pace for new ones to grow. Not only is it painful but it can take up to a year for the surgery to be over including the very painful rehabilitation period.

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Stretches To Grow Taller - Do They Work Or Are They Something To Avoid?

There are hundreds of sites out there on the internet that are trying to scam you out of your money! One of the most popular is growing taller instructional manuals and DVDs that claim to use exercises and stretches to grow taller to make your bones longer. This is complete rubbish, a waste of time and can actually be very harmful. Even the sites that claim to have a super miracle pill to make you taller are lies and should be avoided. So are stretches to grow taller a scam or not?

Before puberty?
If you are still young then yes stretches and exercises will help you grow taller. Exercises will help by releasing human growth hormone (HGH) to enhance the process of growth and stretches help to aid the growth of bones during puberty as they fuse.

This is why it is important to exercise and stretch whilst you are young so you can enhance your current growth.

By using stretches whilst your bones fuse you can help straighten them to make them longer which leads into the next part

After puberty?
Once you have passed puberty your bones can't lengthen anymore regardless of how many stretches you go on to do BUT stretches can be useful to help you grow taller.

By using stretches to grow taller you can go on to improve your posture. Your posture accounts for 35% of your height and everyone has a bad posture through bad habits they've picked up during their lifetime. By taking some time out every day to do some stretches you can help improve your posture and help to make yourself taller.

Sunday, 20 October 2013

Three Handy Tips To Help You Increase Your Height

Millions of people around the world are short and the majority of them are unhappy with it. They search "How to grow taller quickly?" on Google and are flooded by results where most of them are scams claiming that they have the secret products to help you grow taller and in return just waste your money. However, in this article I will give you (for free) 3 methods you can use to help you stop searching "how to increase my height".

1. Your wardrobe
You may have seen how some people can use clothing to make themselves seem more muscular, well the same can be done with making yourself look taller too. By wearing pinstripe clothing you can make yourself look taller and also make yourself look slim too. With colour you should look for wearing solid colours all over as wearing a dark top with light pants (and vice versa) will draw attention to your waistline.

2. Your shoes
Shoes are an obvious point but there are people who don't even think about using shoes as a method to help increase height. There are shoes where you can get height insoles inside to give you that extra boost and of course for women you have the choice of high heels (painful I know) and boots when the occasion fits. If you are the sporty type then maybe invest in tennis shoes which do make you look taller by giving a bulky foot effect.

3. Your posture
Everyone has a bad posture from little habits they have picked up during their life and by having a bad posture you actually decrease your height. With the right stretches to grow taller and day-to-day change you can improve your posture to make you that much bigger.

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Improve Your Posture - Height Increase After Puberty

The internet is filled with sites that claim to be able to make you grow taller after puberty may it be through hormone supplements, pills, stretches to grow taller and even exercises. Unfortunately, many of these are lying to you and actually can't lengthen your bones and make you grow taller. Once you have gone through puberty and your bones have stopped growing all of the stretches in the world can't help grow again.

While stretches and exercises do help to enhance growth and health during your puberty years they won't do much help to you once you have passed the puberty marker. This however doesn't mean you are doomed to be that height forever, there are fortunately plenty of alternative methods that you can do to help you become taller.

Maintaining good posture such as sitting straight, sleeping correctly and also limiting the weight on your shoulders can help you grow that little extra bit.

How does improving your posture help? As you grew up there is no doubt that you picked up tiny habits such as slouching in a chair and even carrying things that ruin your posture unnoticeably. A bad posture reduces your height and by improving your posture and lengthening your spine you can find that you can increase your height a little bit.

Whatever you do, avoid using bone lengthening surgery, try exercises or even stretches to grow taller. Apart from being really painful the surgery is also very risky and can cause weak bones, infections and even paralysis which isn't something you want after up to a year of surgery!