Grow Taller 4 Idiots

Sunday, 20 October 2013

Three Handy Tips To Help You Increase Your Height

Millions of people around the world are short and the majority of them are unhappy with it. They search "How to grow taller quickly?" on Google and are flooded by results where most of them are scams claiming that they have the secret products to help you grow taller and in return just waste your money. However, in this article I will give you (for free) 3 methods you can use to help you stop searching "how to increase my height".

1. Your wardrobe
You may have seen how some people can use clothing to make themselves seem more muscular, well the same can be done with making yourself look taller too. By wearing pinstripe clothing you can make yourself look taller and also make yourself look slim too. With colour you should look for wearing solid colours all over as wearing a dark top with light pants (and vice versa) will draw attention to your waistline.

2. Your shoes
Shoes are an obvious point but there are people who don't even think about using shoes as a method to help increase height. There are shoes where you can get height insoles inside to give you that extra boost and of course for women you have the choice of high heels (painful I know) and boots when the occasion fits. If you are the sporty type then maybe invest in tennis shoes which do make you look taller by giving a bulky foot effect.

3. Your posture
Everyone has a bad posture from little habits they have picked up during their life and by having a bad posture you actually decrease your height. With the right stretches to grow taller and day-to-day change you can improve your posture to make you that much bigger.

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