Grow Taller 4 Idiots

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Growing Taller Exercises - Increase Your Height Naturally

The height ladder is a long and tiring one and you have to be determined to put the time and effort into making you way up it.

Some people choose to try cheating their way up by using creams, herbs, machines, injections etc but you can't do this! These methods are a waste of time and money.

The only way to climb up the ladder is through natural methods such as growing taller exercises and stretches to grow taller. Without these there is not a chance of you being able to grow taller quickly.

Did you know a person can grow up to 6 inches with the correct determination and guidance? Yes that's right, imagine being 6 inches taller? The benefits you would get from that and the best thing is it isn't hard to do. All you need is devotion of time towards activities that are required and some determination for your goal

When it comes to growing taller naturally you want to mainly focus on the bones that are able to stretch/lengthen; the spine, shins and thighs. These can all be easily stretched though the proper exercises.

Most of the exercises will be targeted at the legs, more accurately the shins and thighs. Through frequent exercise, about 45-60 minutes a day 5 days a week, you will be able to lengthen out these bones in no time and see promising results.

  • Sprinting may not be an enjoyable exercise to start with especially if you are new to it however it is a great exercise to grow taller.

With sprinting what you want to look to do is sprint about 60 yards 3-4 days a week.

One of the most important things to do after a sprint is to stretch out your legs and rest. Rest is vital to make sure that you don't overdo it so try to rest every other day to prevent you from doing more harm that you are doing good.

  • For those of you who find cycling fun will enjoy this exercise.

If you want to grow taller through cycling you have to use the correct technique that will help you with this.

Instead of just jumping on a bike you want to raise the seat up 2-4 inches (make sure it is still comfortable) and then go through cycling exercises.

If you don't own an exercise bike then a free-movement bike is fine and the same vice versa.

  • Kicking is the simplest out of all the growing taller exercises but that doesn't mean it is the least effective to grow taller quickly.

The basic method for kicking to grow taller is the basic front snap kick. This is a very simple move...

1.Whilst standing up raise your knee
2.When your knee is at the same height as your hip kick out the rest of your leg

After a while you will get the hang of this and you need to start increasing the speed of the kick.

  • Jump rope is one of the best ways to get taller when it is done in the correct manner.

What you want to do is grab a jump/skipping rope and whilst keeping your legs together skip. To get the most out of this exercise you can jump slightly off the ground allowing just enough space for the rope is flow under.

When it comes to how many you should do, you should look at about 500 jumps per session. I know that is a lot but that is a number you should aim to hit and with enough determination you will find that you will soon be able to overshoot this number soon enough.

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