Grow Taller 4 Idiots

Friday, 16 August 2013

I Want To Grow Taller? Som Information Found Online

---In our body we have hormones which are distributed around our bodies for certain purposes. A vital hormone for growth is the human growth hormone. This hormone is distributed around the body to the area it is needed and it promotes growth whether it is muscle or bone.

Many people (maybe even you) have tried using pills, herbs, creams and injections to help them stimulate this hormone however, those man-made methods don't work and have side-effects too which not only means they are a risk to your health but a waste of time and money too.

This is why you want to learn how stimulate the human growth hormone naturally. If you are able to do this you will be able to grow taller quickly and effortlessly.

Let's go through some quick facts - nothing in this world will have you as tall as you want to be in a couple of days, your bones won't be able to grow that fast so if you expect some method where you pour fairy dust on yourself and become gigantic then leave now and go to a make-believe lens.

If you are looking to grow a few feet taller then grow up (no pun intended), do you really think you can grow a few feet taller - I doubt you could grow a foot taller.

Anyone left reading this? Good! While they try finding neverland you are going to discover how you can grow taller in a matter of weeks and become respected

Sleep was always the answer to growing tall, do you not remeber when you were little and your parents used to say go to sleep so you can grow up tall. Obviously we thought this was nonsense (the same for eating vegetables) so we ignored them. Doctors have now also proven that sleeping has something to do with gaining more height (i bet you wish you listened to your parents now eh?).

When it comes down to sleep there are a few factors you need to get straight.....

-Sleeping Posture
When you sleep you are reliving the stress and pressure your spine has taken the whole day whilst you were standing and sitting down. The correct posture you want to use is lying down flat on your back with you head slightly raised or no pillow at all. This posture will allow the cartilages between the vertebrae to stretch and function properly which will go on to straighten/lengthen your spine

-Your Bed
The key to get your spine aligned is to get a sem-firm mattress. This means don't buy one that is too soft since this causes your lower back to sink down too far into the mattress and this causes spinal joints agony as they try to keep your spine in porper aligment.

A mattress that is too firm will cause unsupported areas of the back and also will cause an unequivalent distribution on weight

-Amount Of Sleep
Apart from posture you need to make sure that you get about 8 hours sleep minimum. When you sleep your body releases human growth hormones to the areas that need it and this process occurs mainly in the first few hours of sleep so you need to make sure that you get as much sleep as you can to make sure that this process work properly.
One way to increase your human growth hormone is through your diet. Your diet is what you use to fuel your body so you need to make sure you have it correct.

An amino acid you may have heard of is Glutamine. This amino acid can be found in various supplements and the purpose of this amino acid is to stimulate the release of hormones and more importantly the human growth hormone. So if you are creating a diet plan then make sure you include glutamine to help you grow taller quickly.

Next thing with your diet is avoiding carbohydrates. Foods high in carbohydrates will do more harm than good to your goals of growing taller. An example of a perfect diet would be a high protein and low carb diet which bodybuilders use. Bodybuilders use this diet to stimulate the HGH to where they need it, their muscles.

So with enough growing taller exercises you will be able to direct the HGH towards your shins, thighs , spine and other places that are able to stretch to make you taller.

--If you have passed the puberty point there are a few growing taller exercises which you can do to help you increase your height to add on those extra inches. In my opinion the top 3 exercises are....

-1. Swimming
Swimming is not only an enjoyable sport but a great way to stay fit and grow taller too. When swimming make sure you focus on the backstroke as the outstretched arms and legs helps to lengthen your spine and with the counterbalance that the water provides you will find yourself getting taller in no time.

-2. Sprinting/running
Sprinting is a less enjoyable sport depending on your fitness levels but it is a great way to help you grow taller. By sprinting you are strengthening your shins and your spine. By strengthening them you are in fact aiding a little bit of extra growth to your body.

-3. Hanging/Inversion
This is another great exercise which you should take a look into and can also be done in the comfort of your own home. By hanging from a bar you are letting gravity "stretch" out your spine which in turn helps growth. You can add a little weight onto your ankles (ankle weights) to help you achieve your goal even faster.
Sometimes people find inversion an easier method (hanging upside down from a bar with inversion boots) as it is easier to hang from the bar and it targets the legs more than hanging would.
Aim for about 10 minutes a day with your chosen method
You may not find deep breathing and massage that much concentrated on your bones and spine but, this could definitely help in stimulating your hormones and glands to work double time for you to grow taller.

Deep breathing is something you want to do whilst going through your growing taller exercises. By breathing deeply you are bringing more oxygen into your body and proper oxygenation means more hormones can be distributed around your body including the HGH.

So anytime you are going through your growing taller exercises or your stretches to grow taller then you need to make sure that you do some deep breathing exercises such as breathing in deeply, holding your breath and then exhaling. Focusing on this will help you grow taller and will also calm down your body.

As for massaging it is not only a great way to relax but also a great way to stimulate your HGH. There are various reflex points which when stimulated release hormones into your bloodstream.

The two reflex points that you want to focus on is the pad of the thumb and the other is through your neck. Rubbing these points in a clockwise direction will help stimulate your human growth hormone and have them distributed around the body where they are needed

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