Grow Taller 4 Idiots

Friday, 23 August 2013

Various Stretches To Grow Taller

Many of you will have been searching for a way to grow taller for longer than I have and many of you will have spent countless amounts of money to try and make your dream a reality.
As you grow up your bones grow with you. However along the lines of growth you develop bad habits such as sitting with an arched back (slouching) and walking with pressure on your back.

These can cause your spine to curve slightly and this can cause a decrease in height. The good thing on the other hand is that you can reverse this process by doing a few stretches to grow taller.

There stretches will help you straighten your spine which will give you an extra 2-3 inches to your height

The Cat
The cat is a very basic and effective move. You may have seen cats do this in the morning if you own one.

Step 1 - Go down on your hands (beneath your shoulders) and your knees
Step 2 - Inhale pushing your head up and your buttocks up
Step 3 - Exhale pulling your head and buttocks inwards towards your core arching your back into a "C"

The Cobra

Step 1 - Lie on the floor with your upper body supported up by your palms (underneath your shoulders)
Step 2 - As you inhale push your chest out and go as far back as your can. Once you have reached your furthest hold for 2 minutes
Step 3 - Exhale and bring yourself back down slowly


Step 1 - Start on your back and raise your legs and torso off the ground using your hands as support on your back.
Step 2 - Hold that position for 2 minutes and then release

Variation 1
Step 1 - Lie on the floor on your back with your knees bent and feet firmly in place on the ground
Step 2 - Grab your ankles with your hands
Step 3 - Push up your body skywards keeping your feet flat on the floor
Step 4 - Hold this position for up to 2 minutes
Step 5 - Carefully go back to the starting position

-Variation 2
Step 1 - Lie on the floor on your back with your knees bent and feet firmly in place on the ground
Step 2 - Place your hands palms down by the side of your head
Step 3 - Push up from your feet and your hands to raise your body off the ground and give you a bridge like position
Step 4 - Hold this position for up to 2 minutes
Step 5 - Carefully go back to the starting position


Step 1 - Put your forearms on the floor and put the crown of your head between them (do not go on your knees)
Step 2 - Push off with your legs lightly into a handstand (on your forearms) position
Step 3 - Try bringing your legs slowly towards your back
Step 4 - Hold for 2-3 minutes

If you are new to this it will be a hard position for your to do let alone maintain but practice makes perfect

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