Grow Taller 4 Idiots

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

3 Myths on Growing Taller

Everyone has a growth spurt, some quicker than others and some have bigger ones than others. Either way there are a few people who end up having a bad growth spurt and end up becoming "vertically challenged". The internet is a large database of information and unfortunately not all of it is accurate.
 This applies to methods to grow taller quickly, there is a lot of information that will mislead you into buying pills and creams or just waste your time doing something that won't work. Read on for 3 myths you should avoid when looking for a method to grow taller.

Hypnosis can make you taller
This actually managed to make me laugh. I found someone who was promoting an affiliate program that supposedly hypnotised you and your body to grow taller. Guess how much it cost? $97!
Preposterous! Mainly because hypnosis can't make you taller, think about it, why would going into a deep sleep make you taller? It could improve your confidence, stop you from snoring but actually make you grow...don't make me laugh.

It's the parents fault
It is so easy to blame others for things and who better than the people who brought us into the world. However, it isn't always the parents fault. The worst genetics can do is give you a bad posture which damages your height but you can easily improve it. Parents can't make you small; some tall parents will have small kids and vice verse.

Height supplements make you grow after puberty
WRONG! After puberty your bones fuse together stopping any future growth. This means all those height supplements, creams and other miracle pills you are buying won't work, even if they say they can make you grow taller quickly at 30. Don't fall into the trap and waste money.

Sunday, 24 November 2013

How to Look Taller - The Get Tall Quick Method

Being "vertically challenged" can be a problem; your friends might not take you seriously and push you around, you may not get the respect you deserve from work and you may miss out on job opportunities. Did you know that taller people get paid an average of $800 more than shorter people? Growing taller takes time even if you want to grow taller quickly and if you want to make an impression fast one way to do that is to look taller.

Looking taller is easier than it sounds. If someone can make themselves look more muscular by putting on a tight top then obviously it is simple to make someone look taller right?

So what do you need to look taller?

Firstly, the shoes. This is the cheapest and easiest thing to modify if you want to look taller. You can wear elevator shoes for men or if you are a woman wear high heels. Alternatives are wearing tennis shoes or putting height increasing insoles in your shoes which prove very effective and comfortable.

Second thing you can change is your hairstyle. The most effective hairstyle to make anyone look taller is something that is shorter on the sides. This doesn't mean cut all the sides off your hair, it just means trim it to make the top look taller. This is more easier for men but for women combing the hair back is a good way to look taller as it makes the top of your hair look bigger. Being bald and wide hairstyles won't do any justice as they make you seem smaller.

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

I Want to Grow Taller - Secrets About How You Sleep That Can Help You Get Up the Height Ladder

Some people think that they are stuck at the same height as they are now forever once they pass puberty. There is some truth to this, once you pass puberty your bones will have stopped growing and there is nothing you can do to make them grow taller. However, there are methods you can use to stop yourself saying "I want to grow taller quickly" one that people don't use fully is sleep.

Remember when your parents told you that you needed to get sleep to grow tall? Did you really think that they were doing that just to get you to sleep? Sleep is a doorway to getting taller, we spend a third of our lifetime in bed sleeping so there is obviously something we can change to help grow taller.

Firstly you want to target a range of 8-10 hours of sleep. This promotes the excretion of Human Growth Hormone (HGH) through your body which is needed to fuel extra growth of bone and muscle.

Secondly you will want to look at your bed. Your bed is the thing that will take the pressure off of your back and allow you to stretch and straighten out your spine which remember takes all the pressure of your everyday tasks.

You should make sure your bed is not too soft (can cause your back to sink too deep) and not too hard (will cause you posture problems by distributing equivalent amounts of weight) so look for a semi-firm mattress.

If you aren't looking to spend money on a new bed then you can do the same trick with a pillow. You can put the pillow in the arch of your back and also underneath your legs too to support your spine and help you grow taller quickly

Sunday, 17 November 2013

How to Improve Your Height With Correct Posture

Bad posture can come from many small habits that you develop throughout your life and a bad posture can also be from genetics. A lot of people really don't care about posture but what you need to understand is that if you improve your posture fully you can see up to 6 extra inches of growth! It may seem like a bunch of rubbish but 6 inches is possible actually possible with the help of things such as stretches to grow taller.

How I hear you ask? Well as mentioned before you develop bad posture throughout your life. This can be from the way you're sitting, the way you walk, the way you sleep and the amount of weight you carry in a bag. A bad posture can lead to bend your spine in awkward positions which you may not notice but it does actually happen.

Your spine is 35% of your actual body height and a bad posture will create your actual height to decrease and if you have a really bad one then with some help you can straighten out your spine to give you 6 extra inches of height.

There are many things you can do to improve your posture to give you more height. There are options such as:
  • Lighten your load if you are carrying a bag as this takes pressure off of your back
  • Sit in a straight posture instead of slouching (even though it is more comfortable) when you can because this will get you used to the routine of sitting like this
  • Get a semi-firm mattress that is not too soft so your back sinks in or too hard so there is an uneven distribution of weight
  • Stretches to grow taller

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Stretches to Grow Taller - Do They Really Work?

A lot of people are weary of stretches to grow taller and whether they work or are just a waste of time. This is because many people read that once puberty is finished there is no chance of lengthening or straightening the bones. This means all those supplements and machines don't work which leads on to the question, do stretches to grow taller actually work or is it just a huge waste of time?

A lot of people think that stretches to increase your height will make your bones longer but as I mentioned previously there is no way of lengthening or stretching your bones after you have finished puberty and started going into adulthood (varies from the age of 18-25), this is where most of the people who don't believe in stretches to grow taller are...

What you have to consider first is what is the purpose of these stretches? It really isn't to lengthen the bones is it? The main purpose of using stretches to increase your height is so that you can straighten out your spine, not lengthen but straighten. Our spines account for 35% of our initial height, which may not seem much but it is a lot! Using the stretches you straighten the spine to reach its full potential.

For example consider a hunchback, the hunch is created by a bent spine and imagine how much taller they could grow with stretches to grow taller and straightening the spine. The same goes for you by stretching your spine (otherwise known as improving your posture) you can add on a little bit of height.