Grow Taller 4 Idiots

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Stretches to Grow Taller - Do They Really Work?

A lot of people are weary of stretches to grow taller and whether they work or are just a waste of time. This is because many people read that once puberty is finished there is no chance of lengthening or straightening the bones. This means all those supplements and machines don't work which leads on to the question, do stretches to grow taller actually work or is it just a huge waste of time?

A lot of people think that stretches to increase your height will make your bones longer but as I mentioned previously there is no way of lengthening or stretching your bones after you have finished puberty and started going into adulthood (varies from the age of 18-25), this is where most of the people who don't believe in stretches to grow taller are...

What you have to consider first is what is the purpose of these stretches? It really isn't to lengthen the bones is it? The main purpose of using stretches to increase your height is so that you can straighten out your spine, not lengthen but straighten. Our spines account for 35% of our initial height, which may not seem much but it is a lot! Using the stretches you straighten the spine to reach its full potential.

For example consider a hunchback, the hunch is created by a bent spine and imagine how much taller they could grow with stretches to grow taller and straightening the spine. The same goes for you by stretching your spine (otherwise known as improving your posture) you can add on a little bit of height.

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