Grow Taller 4 Idiots

Sunday, 10 November 2013

How Do I Get Taller? The Answer To All Those Vertically Challenged

You hate being vertically challenged there's no doubt about that (why else would you be reading this article?). I used to be one of the smallest in my group of friends which meant going through constant abuse and this lead to a loss of confidence. If you're reading this then you are going through the same and want it to stop. Some of you may be feeling to give up but all hope is not lost, here are 3 top tips that will help you stop searching "How do I get taller?"

1. Improve you posture
As you go through life you will have developed a bad posture, no matter what you do. There are times when you carry heavy objects, sleep and sit in a bad position and over time your posture worsens. Your spine accounts for 35% of your height and a bad posture reduces this. By straightening out your spine you can actually manage to grow 6 inches! (For those with really bad posture)

2. Stretches to grow taller
Yes, stretches too can be used to grow taller. This links in with number 1 (improving your posture). By using stretches you can straighten your spine and get up to 6 inches of height! For those of you that are interested yoga is also great to help straighten your spine as the stretches included are ones that can improve posture.

3. Using fashion to look taller
Something I used to do whilst looking for a "grow taller" method was to use fashion tips to make myself look taller. This wasn't a permanent fix but it was a good option to use while going through college and looking for an option to actually help me grow taller.

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