Grow Taller 4 Idiots

Wednesday 11 December 2013

Height Increasing Tips - Stretches to Grow Taller

Using stretches to grow taller mainly revolves around your spine. There are many different stretches out there that people claim work but really don't. There are only a handful of stretches out there that really work and even ewer that give good results. In this article I will reveal the two top stretches that will help you lengthen your spine hence grow taller.

The first stretching exercise that I recommend doing is the cobra. This is a very common yoga stretch and it is very easy to pull off. What you need to do is lie down on the floor (chest down) with your palms on the floor under your shoulders. The next step is to arch your back lifting up your top body but you need to make sure that everything waist down stays still. Hold this position for a few seconds and then release.

The second stretch to grow taller is hanging. Again this is another very simple stretching exercise. First find somewhere to hang from (this should preferably be a long bar). The next step is to grab your object and just hang from your hands. This should be held for a few seconds too. It may seem that this is a pointless exercise but the concept of this is to lengthen and straighten your spine out making you taller.

If you exercise daily then it would be a good idea to include these stretches to grow taller in your warm up schedule so you can get a double benefit. For those of you that don't have a workout schedule I advise you get one so you can lose that extra weight (the thinner you get the taller you look).


  1. Certain stretching exercises do help in increasing the height (during and even after puberty). These stretching exercises correct a human’s posture to a great extent. Most of your height is hiding behind those slouched backs and you don’t even realize that. You can also try with the stretching exercises and herbs for natural gain in increasing your height know more at
