Grow Taller 4 Idiots

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Improve Your Posture - The Secret to Growing Up to 6 Inches!

How to improve your posture is something that many people forget when they are thinking about to grow taller quickly. Creating a better posture can help you grow up to 6 inches in height! Many people waste money on height supplements, miracle creams and machines but chances are they won't work, whereas improving your posture will.

A hot debate right now on growing taller is "Can you grow taller if you have stopped growing?" The answer to this is very simple...once you have stopped growing there is no way of growing again. This is because growth plate fusion occurs which means no more growing. This occurs in the early 20's and people who are short will buy anything to make them taller just to find out that nothing works.

So why would you want to improve your posture if you've stopped growing? Easy, you can still grow taller. I know I just said once you stop growing you stop full stop but what I want you to do is stand up as you would stand up straight, see how you got taller a bit? That is nothing compared to what you can do when you lengthen your spine.

Your spine accounts for 35% of your current height and if you straighten out and lengthen your spine you can end up growing up to 6 inches in height.

There are many ways to create a better posture; through sleep, growing taller exercises and by simple stretches you can do every day at home.

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