Grow Taller 4 Idiots

Friday 24 September 2010

Stretches To Grow Taller...Your Having A Laugh Right?

Nope! In all seriousness you can actually use stretches to grow taller and they do actually work!

As I looked through GrowingTallerForIdiots I came across these stretches that would help me straighten out my spine (yes this ties in with improving your posture) and help me grow taller!

These stretches plus some other methods helped me grow the 2 extra inches!

Here are what I consider to be 2 of the best stretches to grow taller.

The Cat

The cat is a very basic and effective move. You may have seen cats do this in the morning if you own one.

Step 1 - Go down on your hands (beneath your shoulders) and your knees
Step 2 - Inhale pushing your head up and your buttocks up
Step 3 - Exhale pulling your head and buttocks inwards towards your core arching your back into a "C"
The Cobra
Another basic stretch to grow taller.

Step 1 - Lie on the floor with your upper body supported up by your palms (underneath your shoulders)
Step 2 - As you inhale push your chest out and go as far back as your can. Once you have reached your furthest hold for 2 minutes
Step 3 - Exhale and bring yourself back down slowly

As you can tell these stretches to grow taller are great for the spine and by doing them every morning you are helping to improve your posture

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