I can't tell you the frustration I went through most of my life because of my height. Being pushed around from my mates, being made fun out of, loss of confidence, getting no respect - all things that happened to me and I can imagine they are happening to you too. But no more! I'm going to give you some simple methods from GrowingTallerForIdiots to help you stop googleing "How Do I Grow Taller?!"
Sunday, 29 September 2013
How Do I Get Taller - Understanding Your Growth Hormones
There are a load of people around the world that are unsatisfied with their height and I can guarantee that nearly all of them dream of growing taller quickly. Being small may mean being unnoticed, being at a disadvantage at a job, being picked on etc. However, you can change this and get taller by understanding your growth hormones.
In our body there are several hormones including the human growth hormone (HGH). These hormones are produced and sent around our body being distributed to their needed location. For example the human growth hormone will be sent around the body to help promote growth.
There are 2 main functions of the human growth hormone, one is to promote growth to the needed areas (such as legs) and the other function is to stimulate other hormones so that they can perform their assigned function too.
With the knowledge of these growth hormones people tend to look for a man-made way to stimulate it; pills, creams, injections, herbs etc these products that you find at the local market are not the route you want to be going down. This may seem like a good idea at the time because you will do anything to grow taller (if you had cancer you would do anything to get rid of it) but it isn't the best option out there on the market and you will find that all you are doing is wasting your time, your money and more importantly risking your health!
It is not recommended using these man-made concoctions as they are not prescribed by doctors! These products may end up leading to side effects such as headaches, rashes, high blood pressure, nausea and more which is not something you want to go through daily just to see you grow taller quickly by a few extra inches (that is even if these products even work).
Wednesday, 25 September 2013
Grow Taller Quickly - What The Spine Has To Do With Adding Height
If you are looking to grow taller quickly there are two ways you can go about doing this which are man-made remedies such as pills, creams, herbs and the other option being natural methods. The man-made methods may seem easier but these can have possible side-effects and some of them don't even work meaning you are not only risking your health but wasting your time and money too. This leaves natural methods to grow taller, these methods such as stretches to grow taller focus on areas of the body that will have the ability of gaining a few more inches.
Usually people will focus on the legs to increase height and will end up overlooking that the spine too has the ability to help us gain height. The spine is vital to our bodies (all the brain receptors are held here) and it is also vital to our height so we need to make sure we take good care of it.
There are discs that can be found in between the vertebra of the spine and these are crucial when it comes to adding on height. These discs are made of a soft tissue (they are a shock absorber) and they are flexible and stretchable which is the main focus point to lengthen your spine and increase your height.
To start stretching out your spine you must start to perform certain activities such as stretches. Stretches and any other activities that allow free movement of blood through the discs are great for increasing your height. If you don't maintain this free movement then you will find it harder to get any height at all.
Other than these stretches you can also try keeping up good posture. By having a good posture you are keeping the pressure off your spine which you put on it every day with a bad posture.
Rest is the final ingredient to help you grow taller quickly. Your whole body needs rest from all the exercises and stretches to grow taller so when you sleep or lie down make sure that you lay down flat with your head slightly raised. This will allow the release of stress that gravity has put on your spine.
Sunday, 22 September 2013
Growing Taller 101 - Stretches To Grow Taller
There are
two ways to grow taller; man-made methods which include injections, pills,
creams, herbs and machines and natural methods which include stretches to grow taller. You may think that the man-made route is the way to go but since you
are self-medicating you will experience side-effects on the way to growing
taller and that is even if the products work. If you are serious about growing
taller then you need to go down the natural methods route as they are
guaranteed to help you grow taller.
methods mainly focus on increasing the length of your legs and your spine with
simple activities that you can add to your daily routine. They also focus on
stimulating the human growth hormone but we shall talk about that another day.
When it
comes down to lengthening your legs and spine one of the top ways to do this is
with some simple stretches which you can do in the morning when you wake up,
when you go to the gym, before you go to bed, practically any time you want.
The stretches are more targeted towards the spinal area as that is the most
important factor to look to lengthen first.
The spine
has discs in between the vertebra which are made of a soft tissue, this tissue
is both flexible and has the ability to stretch which is what you want to aim
for when going through the process of your stretches.
3 top
stretches that will help you get started are as follows:
- The Cat
(1) Go
down on your hands and knees keeping a straight back. (2) Arch your back
upwards bringing your chin towards your chest. (3) Reverse and arch your back
downwards bringing your chin to the sky. (4) Hold, reset and repeat.
- The Cobra
(1) Lie
down on your stomach with your whole body flat on the floor. (2) Place your
hands next to your side palms facing down. (3) Push up off your hands to bring
your upper body off the floor. (4) Hold, reset and repeat.
- The Bridge (One of the more advanced stretches to grow taller)
(1) Lie
on the floor on your back with your knees bent and feet firmly on the floor.
(2) Grab your ankles with both of your hands. (3) Push your body off the floor
whilst still holding your ankles. (4) Hold, reset and repeat.
There are plenty more stretches to grow taller that you can use to help you reach your goal so make sure you have a look around.
Wednesday, 18 September 2013
Want To Grow Taller? What Sleep Has To Do With It
If you are one of the many people out there who want to grow taller quickly and you've been through (or read about) height increase programs then you may have noticed that they all include the method of sleeping as a vital factor to help you up the height ladder. This isn't just any form of sleep though you have to sleep in the correct manner to grow taller quickly.
Have you noticed that height increase programs are similar to some fitness programs which you may have seen? All those exercises and stretches that you do to help you naturally stimulate those human growth hormones and to also lengthen your bones; spine, shins and thighs. All that work is going to make you tired and need some rest but that doesn't mean jump into bed however you want, you need to make sure that if you are going to sleep you sleep in the correct manner that will benefit you on your journey up the height ladder.
You spend a lot of your time in bed if you think about it which is why this growing taller tip is one that you should take note of. When you are going to sleep firstly you need to make sure you have the correct sleeping posture, your back should be flat on your mattress with your head slightly elevated or not at all. This posture will relieve the stress and pressure your body has to deal with throughout the day whilst you are standing and sitting down so make sure you get it correct.
Have you even wondered why your parents used to tell you to go to sleep so you can grow up tall? Most of you obviously ignored them like I did but there is now scientific research which proves that sleeping does have something to do with our ability to grow taller, don't you wished you listened to your parents now?
It is important that you get the right amount of sleep too. Some of you may have to work late or have children that will keep you up but if you want to grow taller quickly then you need to try and get at least 8 hours of sleep every night. The reason being is that the human growth hormones are released whilst you are sleeping and you want to have them released at an optimum level that will benefit your growth.
Sunday, 15 September 2013
Growing Taller Exercises - 3 Great Exercises To Lengthen Your Spine
Want to
grow taller? You're not the only one, there are plenty of people just like you
who are looking for the secret to grow one or maybe even two inches taller. If
you would like to find out how to grow as tall as you can be then you should
know what parts of your body you need to target. If you have passed puberty
there is no chance you can get that extra growth spurt BUT there is a secret
that will help you get taller even if you have passed puberty - cartilage.
Those discs are the most stretchable part of your spine and with growing taller exercises you can increase your height naturally.
- Stretches
One of
the most popular methods to become taller is through proper stretching. There
are many stretches that are targeted at the back area which you can perform
daily in your free time such as the cobra stretch, cat stretch, bridge stretch
and twists etc.
- Hanging Exercises
If you
are a regular gym user then you can take a look at adding some hanging
exercises into your routine (you can also do these at home if you have a
hanging bar). These exercises are relatively simple with the simplest being
just hanging from the bar which helps stretch your arms, spine and the back. By
doing this for a few minutes every day (try getting 30 minutes every week) you
will soon start to see the results and you can make the exercise more effective
by adding ankle weights whilst hanging.
- Swimming
The final
growing taller exercise you want to look into is swimming. It is not only a
great exercises but it is highly enjoyable too. Breast stroke is the stroke you
want to focus on as it is the one that is most effective when it comes to
lengthening the spine. The reason for this is that being in the water makes you
counter balance the gravity which compresses your spine making it a great exercise to grow taller
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