Grow Taller 4 Idiots

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Growing Taller 101 - Stretches To Grow Taller

There are two ways to grow taller; man-made methods which include injections, pills, creams, herbs and machines and natural methods which include stretches to grow taller. You may think that the man-made route is the way to go but since you are self-medicating you will experience side-effects on the way to growing taller and that is even if the products work. If you are serious about growing taller then you need to go down the natural methods route as they are guaranteed to help you grow taller.

Natural methods mainly focus on increasing the length of your legs and your spine with simple activities that you can add to your daily routine. They also focus on stimulating the human growth hormone but we shall talk about that another day.

When it comes down to lengthening your legs and spine one of the top ways to do this is with some simple stretches which you can do in the morning when you wake up, when you go to the gym, before you go to bed, practically any time you want. The stretches are more targeted towards the spinal area as that is the most important factor to look to lengthen first.

The spine has discs in between the vertebra which are made of a soft tissue, this tissue is both flexible and has the ability to stretch which is what you want to aim for when going through the process of your stretches.

3 top stretches that will help you get started are as follows:
  • The Cat
(1) Go down on your hands and knees keeping a straight back. (2) Arch your back upwards bringing your chin towards your chest. (3) Reverse and arch your back downwards bringing your chin to the sky. (4) Hold, reset and repeat.
  • The Cobra
(1) Lie down on your stomach with your whole body flat on the floor. (2) Place your hands next to your side palms facing down. (3) Push up off your hands to bring your upper body off the floor. (4) Hold, reset and repeat. 
  • The Bridge (One of the more advanced stretches to grow taller)
(1) Lie on the floor on your back with your knees bent and feet firmly on the floor. (2) Grab your ankles with both of your hands. (3) Push your body off the floor whilst still holding your ankles. (4) Hold, reset and repeat.

There are plenty more stretches to grow taller that you can use to help you reach your goal so make sure you have a look around. 

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